How shall we say: penis, phallus, member?
Let’s list the whole range at once: wacek, horse, dick, bird, dick, wire, dick, ch…j. The name-forming fecundity associated with the male genitalia exceeds that associated with the female crotch. But also, as many names, as many problems are revealed during psychotherapy of psychogenic disorders of potency and fertility. The first ones appear in the mother’s womb. The male fetus is flooded with so much female hormones that it is difficult for it to become a man. Especially when the mother devours chickens and other industrially produced meats loaded with hormones. Researchers are finding growing evidence that an excess of female hormones in the environment may be the cause of the growing phenomenon of single testicle failure and failure to descend into the scrotum in male infants. The incidence of phimosis – narrowing of the foreskin that prevents the free protrusion of the glans – also increases in boys.
So the boy may only be a few years old and already have two traumas.
This is often accompanied by erection shaming. Little boys have it that when they are warm and safe, they get an erection. This happens to male babies while breastfeeding. Unfortunately, many inexperienced mothers react to this even with disgust. The boy may be told that he is a “little dirty” that “that’s not how you do it”. So it’s worth knowing that erection in pre-pubertal boys has nothing to do with sex. It’s best not to notice it. Consider it an expression of contentment and bliss. But it doesn’t end there. Embarrassed, insecure, and at risk of losing his bond with his mother, the boy may have difficulty controlling his sphincter, bed-wetting, and guilt. To make matters worse, it is often accompanied by rejection by peers. Another reason to be ashamed – the boy is maturing and there are nocturnal pollutants. This natural stage of psychophysiological development is stigmatized by the very name: night stain. How do you deal with pajama bottoms and sheets that are stiff with dried semen?
Another shame?!
Why should the mother be the first to know that her little teddy bear could become a father? From the reaction of the mother and father, much depends on the life of the future man. It would be best to make a small initiation ceremony into manhood out of it. The more so that the acquisition of sexual maturity by a boy is sometimes burdened with fear of changing the relationship with his