In order for a woman to have an orgasm that she will remember for a long time and that she will experience with every muscle of her body, caresses that warm her up properly and bring her to the next levels of excitement are necessary. Often, foreplay is not only moments immediately before intercourse, but kisses during the day, words, gestures or ambiguous text messages.
Foreplay – why is it important? What is worth remembering?
The function of caressing is much wider and richer than just triggering excitement and preparing for orgasm. They are particularly important for female sexuality, which is characterized by sensitivity to mood, tactile sensations and words. Many women become aroused to caresses and feel attractive when a man tells them how much he likes her body or specific parts of it, how he says he likes to watch her reactions. More and more often, guys also turn out to be sensitive to mutual caresses and betray their great need. The trick is to find the most sensitive places and needs of the other party. In successful relationships, the whole body can react to caresses, because it does not know the “better” or “worse” places, the whole body is desirable. In search of an erotic map of a loved one, there is probably no better way than a gentle massage, where we don’t forget about the face. You can touch it with your fingertips or brush it with your lips. Thanks to such games, each couple creates their own unique style of action depending on their preferences. Mutual caresses tailored to the needs and expectations of both partners certainly strengthen their bond and are the basisars amanda.
Intimate tenderness sharpens the ability to communicate non-verbally. A look, a touch, a kiss can tell a lot, but reading these signals requires skill and experience. That is why the duration of caresses is important, savoring each activity, the ability to maintain focus on the partner, the ability to remain in silence, to be together. In a successful partnership, mutual tenderness is treated as an expression of love, intimacy, it relieves depression and evokes joy. They are often the perfect remedy for stress.
Mutual caresses, foreplay, as it turns out, largely serve to build a close relationship and are an expression of our fascination with the other person. Although they usually lead to intercourse, they are often the most appreciated sexual activity by lovers. If so far we have skipped this stage of play in the bedroom quite quickly, maybe it is worth staying with it a little longer on the next occasion, listening to the partner’s body, his reactions, trying to enter the world of his experiences. In the end, we’ll just lose some time.
How to fuel passion in long-term relationships?
You say that a decrease in libido or bedroom boredom can be beneficial for us and we should not necessarily be afraid of them
No matter how much sexy lingerie, candles, music or incense you buy, boredom will always set in at some point in a relationship! This is because we stick to familiar sexual behaviors and avoid those that might make us nervous and insecure. But boredom is good, because fighting it forces you to leave your comfort zone, in this case your sexual comfort. Of course, expecting development from yourself and your partner – which is always associated with entering the unknown, and thus the emergence of fears – can undermine the foundations of many marriages, because it is not easy to motivate anyone to change. However, the more we avoid situations that cause discomfort and thus give us the opportunity to develop, the more desire weakens. Therefore, problems with it can create tension in us, which will ultimately force us to grow.
In the book Passionate Marriage I read that instead of working on the marriage, we should let the marriage work on us. What does it mean?
These days, virtually everyone accepts the idea that a successful marriage requires effort from both parties. The only question is how much effort it will take. What exactly are you supposed to do? When people talk about working on a relationship, it’s like they want to give it a shape they like or expect. Don’t like where your relationship is going? Plan quality time for two. Are you unhappy with how your partner talks to you? Talk to him using the “I” message. Do you want your partner to take a step back because you are afraid of intimacy? Tell him you need space. And when these “work on the relationship” solutions don’t work, you back off or look for a new partner. In Passionate Marriage, I propose a different approach. I explain that marriage is de factoa sophisticated self-development machine that challenges your limits and stretches them to allow you to grow.